Sparks of memories, letters to lost lovers and reflections on the vast landscape of the human heart.


All words my own.


You need thicker skin, they say.

But, maybe I don’t want a guard rail to protect myself from the hurricane of what the heart wants.


My lips meet yours and I’m instantly intoxicated by your tenderness x


The ones that hear you, are the ones that long to know the real you.
Hold them tight.


The hustle looks good on you.


If you consider danger locked in depths…

Then, yes, I am a dangerous woman.


Love is not only for lovers.
Loss is not only for lovers.
Regret is not reserved for only failed romances.

The waves crash, so will you.
You have not failed.
Rather, you give rise to a rippling undercurrent of strength.
A rhythmic rebirth.

I don’t hate you

I loved you.
That’s the memory that rips my heart
open at 2am.

You have too many vibrant shades and blank pages to colour between the lines.

Memories are heroin for the heart.

He tells me not to write just about love.
Yet, there are monuments built on love.
Novels penned about love.
Albums serenading a loved one.
Artworks inspired by the wrinkles that gather at the corners of your one true loves mouth when they unexpectedly smile.
So tell me, how can I not write about love?

Damn it’s hard getting words to be faithful to feelings.

Every lover is seduced by my sass.
Yet, every love softens me.

We have become so used to holding on, we have forgotten how good it feels to let go.


Please don’t play me like you play your guitar, promise me?

The poems and tears
were wasted on your fickle heart.

If you love me harder and love me more, it still won’t be enough to make up for the love I’m lacking for myself.

She used to
He used to
We used to
The past tenses are overwhelming her present life.
Soften the grip.
Release the grasp.
Let go.

We would spend hours lost at dusk and dawn..

Waking and falling..
Falling asleep, falling in love, falling into each other.

My Most Recent Musings